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Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Returns, Changes, and a New Plan

I'M BACK!!!!! Hopefully I actually keep this thing updated. Me and the girlies are now in Portales. Girls are loving it! Samirah Dawn is in the THIRD grade and that sweet little mouse?? Last I posted she was a tiny little thing right? Now she is a KINDERGARTNER!!!!! OK that word looks sooo wrong....correct me please. The autocorrect sez its right.
Any who. So as I was saying, the girlies LOVE their schools. Both are doing great. Sami has made ABBIT (A's And B's Because I Try) every semester so far. Cady's teacher sez she is one of the best in her class. The kinder class doesn't do ABBIT. They both have friends and seem happy.

I'll HAFTA finish this up in a bit. Time to go get the kiddos from school, YAY. LOL

OK I am home. I have picked up a new talent. I am now a knitter!! I love it too. Its fun creating new stuff. Apparently I am pretty good. It comes pretty easy to me so yeah.

I really can't think of anything else to write about. Lataz!!!

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